Bogoliubov Laboratory of Theoretical Physics (BLTP) is one of the world’s largest centre of theoretical physics

The scientific programme of BLTP includes research in the key fields of fundamental theoretical physics:

Our research topics are mostly specified by the Joint Institute for Nuclear Research basic facilities, primarily, the Nuclotron-Based Ion Collider Facility (NICA) project, Superheavy Element (SHE) Factory, IBR-2 pulsed reactor and Baikal-GVD neutrino telescope, as well as by physics programs of international collaborations (LHC, RHIC, FAIR, K2K, etc.).

BLTP acts as a “generator” of interdisciplinary studies and international cooperation

As one of the largest centres, BLTP acts as a “generator” of interdisciplinary studies and international cooperation, thus determining the global scientific agenda of both theoretical and experimental research.

The Laboratory functions as an independent institute within JINR, carrying research into various fields of theoretical physics in close contact with the JINR experimental laboratories. This allows much room for interdisciplinary investigations and direct interaction between theorists and experimenters. The main lines of research at BLTP are quantum field theory and elementary particle physics, nuclear physics, condensed matter theory, and modern mathematical physics. The Laboratory has created a unique scientific potential and accumulated invaluable experience in these fields of theoretical physics.

The personnel of BLTP consists of about 230 scientists with long term contracts, organized in 4 Scientific Departments

Our personnel also includes several dozens of short-term visiting scientists from around the world.

Our scientific output is more that 500 research papers per year, with most of them in leading international scientific journals. See Featured Publications for more details. We organize weekly Seminars and about 15 annual international scientific Meetings.

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