Selected Publications
List of Selected Publications
List of Department Members
Abdulmagead Ibrahim Ahmad Mohammad
Adamian Gurgen
E-mail:a d a m i a n @ t h e o r . j i n r . r u
Scientific interests:Heavy ion collisions, nuclear fission, nuclear structure, dissipative quantum atomic, nuclear and mesoscopic systems
Alpomishev Erkin
E-mail:a l p o m i s h e v @ t h e o r . j i n r . r u
Scientific interests:Condensed matter physics, mesoscopic physics, transport phenomena in nanostructures, open quantum systems.
Arsenyev Nikolay Nikolaevich
E-mail:a r s e n e v @ t h e o r . j i n r . r u
Scientific interests:Nuclear density functional theory (mean-field and beyond) and its applications in the study of the collective vibrations such as giant resonances, pygmy resonances, Gamow-Teller and spin-dipole excitations. Random matrix theory: the fluctuation properties of nuclear spectra such as the nearest-neighbor spacing distribution and the spectral rigidity. A particular focus on understanding the complex linkages between the collective motion and single-particle excitations in nuclei.
Balbutsev Evgeny Borisovich
E-mail:b a l b u t s @ t h e o r . j i n r . r u
Scientific interests:Collective nuclear dynamics. Nuclear scissors mode. Giant multipole resonances.
Bezbakh Anna N.
E-mail:b e z b a k h @ t h e o r . j i n r . r u
Scientific interests:Low energy nuclear reaction theory, nuclear models, heavy and superheavy nuclei, nuclear structure, nuclear level densities
Bondarenko Serge
E-mail:b o n d a r e n k o @ j i n r . r u
Scientific interests:Relativistic methods in nuclear physics; NN interaction; Bethe-Salpeter(-Faddeev)(-Yakubovsky) equation; deuteron; triton; helium; few-nucleon systems; one-loop EW radiative corrections; polarization.
Borzov Ivan Nikolaevich
E-mail:i b o r 4 8 @ m a i l . r u
Scientific interests:Density functional theory.\r\nSelf-consistent approach to neutron-rich exotic nuclei.\r\nMagnetic moments. Nuclear charge and neutron radii.\r\nNuclear beta-decay and delayed neutron emission.\r\nThe isospin (IAR) and spin-isospin (GTR, spin-dipole) nuclear excitations. \r\nNuclear photonics.\r\n\r\nAstrophysical nucleosynthesis. \r\nThe rapid process of nucleosynthesis: supernovae and neutron star mergers. \r\nNeutrino nucleosynthesis and the bypassed elements origin. \r\nNuclear matter equation of state.
Daniyar Janseitov
E-mail:j a n s e i t @ t h e o r . j i n r . r u
Scientific interests:Structure of light exotic nuclei, cluster states.
Dzhioev Alan Aleksandrovich
E-mail:d z h i o e v @ t h e o r . j i n r . r u
Scientific interests:Nuclear astrophysics, stellar weak-interaction processes, core-collapse supernovae, theoretical nuclear physics, open quantum systems, quantum transport
Egorov Mikhail Viktorovich
E-mail:e g o r o v p h y s @ j i n r . r u
Scientific interests:Quantum mechanical three-body problems in hadron and nuclear physics at intermediate energies. Nuclear reactions. Photo- and electroproduction of pseudoscalar mesons on light nuclei.
Ershov Sergei Nikolaevich
E-mail:e r s h o v @ t h e o r . j i n r . r u
Scientific interests:Nuclear Structure and Nuclear Reactions at Low and Medium Energies
Friesen Alexandra
E-mail:a v f r i e s e n @ t h e o r . j i n r . r u
Scientific interests:Effective QCD models; phase transitions in dence and hot matter; particle physics.
Ganev Huben Ganev
E-mail:h u b e n @ t h e o r . j i n r . r u
Scientific interests:Dynamical Symmetries and Supersymmetries; Nuclear Physics; Nuclear Structure Models; Algebraic Models of Nuclear Collective Excitations; Microscopic Theory of Nuclear Collective Motions;
Hammouda Walaa M. Seif
Ilias Miroslav
E-mail:m i l i a s @ t h e o r . j i n r . r u
Scientific interests:
Kalandarov Shuhrat
E-mail:s h u h r a t @ t h e o r . j i n r . r u
Scientific interests:Low energy nuclear reaction theory, fusion and fission, synthesis of superheavy elements, ternary fission, cluster emission from excited and ground states.
Kaptari Leonid
E-mail:k a p t a r i @ t h e o r . j i n r . r u
Scientific interests:Bethe-Salpeter equation, Dyson-Schwinger equations, Qqsi-potential equations, elastic, quasi-elastc and deep inelastic lepton nucleus scattering, semi-inclusive reactions with polarized particles, QCD bound states within the Bethe-Salpeter formalism, vector meson production in hadron-nucleus collisions, analytical calculations of higher order corrections to lepton anomalous magnetic moment
Kolganova Elena
E-mail:k e a @ j i n r . r u
Scientific interests:few-body problem, scattering and resonances, nuclear structure, collective models
Kondratyev Vladimir
E-mail:v k o n d r a t @ t h e o r . j i n r . r u
Scientific interests:Supermagnetism of atomic nuclei, clusters and their ensembles. Synthesis and properties.
Koval Eugene
E-mail:e - c o v @ y a n d e x . r u
Scientific interests:few-body physics, laser-atom interactions, ultracold gases, low dimensional systems
Kuz`min Vladimir Aleksandrovich
E-mail:k u z m i n @ t h e o r . j i n r . r u
Scientific interests:Many body quantum mechanics and nuclear spectroscopy
Larionov Alexei
E-mail:l a r i o n o v @ t h e o r . j i n r . r u
Scientific interests:Particle-nucleus and nucleus-nucleus reactions at relativistic energies;\r\n\r\nkinetic and Glauber-like models;\r\n\r\nhadron modifications in nuclear matter;\r\n\r\nshort-range nucleon-nucleon correlations and non-nucleonic degrees of freedom in nuclei;\r\n\r\ncolor transparency, hadron formation.
Lukyanov Valery
E-mail:l u k y a n o v @ t h e o r . j i n r . r u
Scientific interests:Theory of elastic and inelastic scattering, direct nuclear reactions including transfer of nucleons at low and relativistic energies
Malov Leonard Aleksandrovich
E-mail:m a l o v @ t h e o r . j i n r . r u
Scientific interests:Structure of deformed superheavy nuclei
Malykh Anastasiya
E-mail:m a w @ t h e o r . j i n r . r u
Scientific interests:Study of spectra, scattering and decay in three-body system with coulomb and contact interactions
Mardyban Mariia Aleksandrovna
E-mail:m m a r d y b a n @ t h e o r . j i n r . r u , m m a r d y b a n @ m a i l . r u
Scientific interests:Atomic and nuclear physics, nuclear spectroscopy
Melezhik Vladimir
E-mail:m e l e z h i k @ t h e o r . j i n r . r u
Scientific interests:физика малочастичных кантовых систем, квантовые газы, резонансные атомные и молекулярные процессы в ограниченной геометрии оптических и электромагнитных ловушек, атомы в сильных электромагнитных полях, численные методы решения нестационарного многомерного уравнения Шредингера и квантовой многоканальной задачи рассеяния
Molodtsova Irina Vladimirovna
E-mail:m o l o d @ t h e o r . j i n r . r u
Scientific interests:Collective nuclear dynamics. Nuclear scissors mode. Giant multipole resonances.
Motovilov, Alexander Konstantinovich
E-mail:m o t o v i l v @ t h e o r . j i n r . r u
Scientific interests:Operator Theory, Mathematical Physics, Scattering Theory and its applications to Nuclear and Molecular Physics, Numerical Methods
Nasirov Avazbek Karimovich
E-mail:n a s i r o v @ j i n r . r u
Scientific interests:multinucleon transfer reactions, complete fusion of nuclei, incomplete fusion, quasifission of dinuclear system, synthesis of new elements
Nazmitdinov Rashid G.
E-mail:r a s h i d @ t h e o r . j i n r . r u
Scientific interests:nuclear collective properties at low and intermidiate energies, mesoscopic physics, \r\ntransport phenomena in nanostructures, photovoltaics, regular and chaotic dynamics in quantum many-body systems
Nesterenko Valentin Olegovich
E-mail:n e s t e r @ t h e o r . j i n r . r u
Scientific interests:Density functional theories, self-consistent microscopic approaches, Skyrme functionals, giant resonances, low-energy spectroscopy, vortical excitations in nuclei, reactions with electrons and photons, wavelet analysis, nanosystems, atomic Bose-Einstein condensate in traps
Parvan Alexandru
E-mail:p a r v a n @ t h e o r . j i n r . r u
Scientific interests:Theory of relativistic heavy-ion collisions, high energy physics, nonextensive statistics, nuclear multifragmentation, hadron production, hadron transverse momentum and rapidity distributions, parton distribution functions, quark-gluon plasma, quantum field theory, relativistic thermodynamics
Popov Yuri Vladimirovich
E-mail:p o p o v @ s r d . s i n p . m s u . r u
Scientific interests:Few body scattering theory of charged particles. Photoprocesses: excitation, ionization of atoms and molecules by a laser pulse, compton excitation and ionization, inverse scattering
Rahmati Nejad Azam
E-mail:a _ r a h m a t i n e j a d @ t h e o r . j i n r . r u
Scientific interests:Nuclear reactions including fission and photonuclear reactions. Nuclear models. Studying nuclear properties such as shell and pairing effects, collective effects, and thermodynamic quantities such as nuclear level densities.
Rakityansky Sergei Anatoljevich
E-mail:r a k i t s a @ t h e o r . j i n r . r u
Scientific interests:Multi-channel scattering, Jost matrices, Quantum resonances
Rogov Ivan
E-mail:i s r o g o v @ t h e o r . j i n r . r u
Scientific interests:Fission processes in heavy and superheavy nuclei
Sargsyan Vazgen
E-mail:s a r g s y a n @ t h e o r . j i n r . r u
Scientific interests:Open quantum systems, heavy ion reactions, multinuclear transfer reactions, complete fusion reactions, superheavy elements, nuclear astrophysics
Severyukhin Alexey Pavlovich
E-mail:s e v e r @ t h e o r . j i n r . r u
Scientific interests:Theoretical nuclear physics, energy-density functional, random phase approximation, generator coordinate method, random matrix theory, vibrational excitations, Gamow-Teller resonances, beta-decay, beta-delayed neutron emission, beta-delayed gamma spectroscopy, double gamma-decay.
Shneidman Timur
E-mail:s h n e y d @ t h e o r . j i n r . r u
Scientific interests:Nuclear structure, Fission, Cluster degrees of freedom
Shulgina Natalia
E-mail:n . b . s h u l g i n a @ g m a i l . c o m
Scientific interests:Theoretical nuclear physics, few body systems, weak interactions.
Smoliannikov Dmitrij
E-mail:d s m o l i a n n i k o v @ t h e o r . j i n r . r u
Solov`ev Evgeni
E-mail:e s o l o v e v @ t h e o r . j i n r . r u
Scientific interests:The theory of hidden crossings in the adiabatic approach to inelastic transitions in atomic collisions; classical representation in quantum physics; renormalization group in semiclassical expantion; classification of states in the quadratic Zeeman effect; classical theory of helium atom; canal states in bilayer thin films.
Stratan Gheorghe
E-mail:s t r a t a n @ t h e o r . j i n r . r u
Scientific interests:Ядерная физика, структура ядра, история науки
Titov Alexander
E-mail:a t i t o v @ t h e o r . j i n r . r u
Scientific interests:Квантовые процессы в сильных электромагнитных полях.\r\nФотоядерные процессы.
Valiolda Dinara
E-mail:v a l i o l d a @ t h e o r . j i n r . r u
Scientific interests:Few body systems, Coulomb breakup of halo nuclei, neutron halo, the structure of light exotic nuclei\r\n\r\nМалочастичные системы, кулоновский развал гало ядер, нейтронное гало, структура легких экзотических ядер
Vdovin Andrey Ivanovich
E-mail:v d o v i n @ t h e o r . j i n r . r u
Scientific interests:Theory of nuclear structure; theoretical nuclear spectroscopy; giant resonances in nuclei; \r\nnuclear astrophysics; thermal effects in stellar environments
Vinitsky Sergue
E-mail:v i n i t s k y @ t h e o r . j i n r . r u
Scientific interests:Few-body problem, symmetry methods in physics, heavy-ion nuclear reactions, collective nuclear models
Vishnevskiy Petr Ivanovich
E-mail:v i s h n e v s k i y @ t h e o r . j i n r . r u
Scientific interests:Investigation of dipole electric and magnetic transitions in the framework of a self-consistent quasiparticle random phase approximations. Toroidal excitations in nuclei, low-energy spin-orbit excitations in nuclei.
Yurev Sergei
E-mail:y u r e v @ j i n r . r u , y u 3 1 4 1 5 v 9 2 6 @ y a n d e x . r u
Scientific interests:Investigation of few-nucleon systems, relativistic methods, Faddeev and Faddeev-Yakubovsky equations, Bethe-Salpeter equation.\r\nORCID: 0000-0002-5786-7532\r\nResearcher ID: HGC-3600-2022