Expected results in the following years:
Scientific output
List of Selected Publications
List of Sector Members
Deka Mridupawan
E-mail:m p d e k a @ t h e o r . j i n r . r u
Scientific interests:Neutrino Physics, High Energy Physics, Lattice QCD.
Dvornikov Maxim
E-mail:m a x i m . d v o r n i k o v @ g m a i l . c o m
Scientific interests:neutrino physics, astroparticle physics, cosmology, plasma physics
Kovalenko Sergey
E-mail:k o v a l e n k o @ t h e o r . j i n r . r u
Scientific interests:Beyond the Standard Model physics: theory, phenomenology and cosmological implications.\r\nФизика за пределами Стандартной Модели: теория, феноменология и космологические следствия.
Kuzmin Konstantin Sergeevich
E-mail:k k u z m i n @ t h e o r . j i n r . r u
Scientific interests:Phenomenology of neutrino interactions with nuclei, high-energy particle propagation through matter, polarization phenomena in particle physics and cosmic ray physics.
Naumov Vadim Alexandrovich
E-mail:v n a u m o v @ t h e o r . j i n r . r u
Scientific interests:Neutrino physics and astrophysics, Cosmic ray physics, Particle and radiation transport
Zakharov Alexander
E-mail:a l e x _ f _ z a k h a r o v 5 @ m a i l . r u
Scientific interests:Relativistic Astrophysics, Astrophysical Black Holes, Gravitational Lensing, Microlensing, Exoplanets, Alternative Theories of Gravity