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Balbutsev Evgeny Borisovich

E-mail:b a l b u t s @ t h e o r . j i n r . r u 

Scientific interests:Collective nuclear dynamics. Nuclear scissors mode. Giant multipole resonances.

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Baushev Anton

E-mail:b a u s h e v @ g m a i l . c o m 

Scientific interests:Cosmology, dark matter, dark energy, large-scale structure, astroparticle physics

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Bednyakov Alexander

E-mail:b e d n y a @ t h e o r . j i n r . r u 

Scientific interests:Quantum Field Theory, Physics beyond the Standard Model, Perturbative calculations, Renormalization group

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Belgibayev Toktar

E-mail:b e l g i b a e v @ t h e o r . j i n r . r u 

Scientific interests:Superconductivity, Josephson junctions, proximity effect, superconductor-ferromagnet hybrid structures, high temperature superconductors, Josephson qubits

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Bezbakh Anna N.

E-mail:b e z b a k h @ t h e o r . j i n r . r u 

Scientific interests:Low energy nuclear reaction theory, nuclear models, heavy and superheavy nuclei, nuclear structure, nuclear level densities

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Bondarenko Serge

E-mail:b o n d a r e n k o @ j i n r . r u 

Scientific interests:Relativistic methods in nuclear physics; NN interaction; Bethe-Salpeter(-Faddeev)(-Yakubovsky) equation; deuteron; triton; helium; few-nucleon systems; one-loop EW radiative corrections; polarization.

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Bordag, Michael

E-mail:b o r d a g @ j i n r . r u 

Scientific interests:quantum field theory in classical background fields, QCD, vacuum energy, Casimir effect

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Borlakov Artur

E-mail:b o r l a k o v @ t h e o r . j i n r . r u 

Scientific interests:Scattering amplitudes in quantum field theory, supersymmetry, integrable systems.

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Borzov Ivan Nikolaevich

E-mail:i b o r 4 8 @ m a i l . r u 

Scientific interests:Density functional theory.\r\nSelf-consistent approach to neutron-rich exotic nuclei.\r\nMagnetic moments. Nuclear charge and neutron radii.\r\nNuclear beta-decay and delayed neutron emission.\r\nThe isospin (IAR) and spin-isospin (GTR, spin-dipole) nuclear excitations. \r\nNuclear photonics.\r\n\r\nAstrophysical nucleosynthesis. \r\nThe rapid process of nucleosynthesis: supernovae and neutron star mergers. \r\nNeutrino nucleosynthesis and the bypassed elements origin. \r\nNuclear matter equation of state.

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Braguta Victor

E-mail:v v b r a g u t a @ t h e o r . j i n r . r u 

Scientific interests:Quantum field theory, QCD, quark-gluon plasma, lattice simulation, phase transitions

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Buchbinder Ioseph

E-mail:b u c h b i n d e r @ t h e o r . j i n r . r u 

Scientific interests:quantum field theory, gauge fields, supersymmetric field theory, higher spin field theory, quantum field theory in curved space-time, quantum gravity, string theory

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Budekhina Alexandra

E-mail:b u d e k h i n a @ t h e o r . j i n r . r u 

Scientific interests:String Theory. Quantum gravity. Quantum filed theory. Supersymmetry and superspace.

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Bystritskiy Yury

E-mail:b y s t r @ t h e o r . j i n r . r u 

Scientific interests:квантовая теория поля, радиационные поправки, структура адронов

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Bytev Vladimir

E-mail:b v v @ j i n r . r u 

Scientific interests:Differential equations, Feynman integrals, Muti-loop calculations, Standard Model

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