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Oganesian Armen

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Oleg Selyugin

E-mail:s e l u g i n @ t h e o r . j i n r . r u 

Scientific interests:Elementary Particles : the structure of hadrons (PDF, GPDs, form-factors), a phe-\r\nnomenology of the high energy physics (di?erential cross sections, spin phenomena, addi-\r\ntional dimensional, d-brane models of gravity, non-linear phenomena), Computer mathe-\r\nmatic (numerical and analytical calculations).

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Onishchenko Andrei

E-mail:o n i s h @ t h e o r . j i n r . r u 

Scientific interests:heavy quarks, regge processes, supersymmetry, integrability, multiloop calculations, AdS-CFT correspondence

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Osipov Alexander

E-mail:a a o s i p o v @ t h e o r . j i n r . r u 

Scientific interests:Symmetry breaking and vacuum structure of QCD; Effective Lagrangians in hadron physics; 1/Nc expansion of QCD; Properties of light quarks; Chiral fermion determinant and its asymptotic expansion in presence of explicit chiral symmetry breaking; Models of chiral symmetry breaking with multi-fermion interactions; Low-energy dynamics of mesons and photons; Hadrons at finite temperature, density and in strong electric and magnetic fields; Tau-lepton Physics: the mass of tau and its semileptonic decays.

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Osipov Vladimir

E-mail:o s i p o v @ t h e o r . j i n r . r u 

Scientific interests:theory of condensed matter: nanostructures, disordered structures, glasses, topological defects, transport phenomena; \r\nmathematical physics: nonlinear excitations (solitons, polarons, vortices), non-perturbative methods; \r\nfield theory: field theoretical methods in condensed matter, gauge theory, low-dimensional systems; \r\nbiophysics: mathematical problems of biophysics, biosensors.

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