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Zaigraev Nikita
E-mail:n i k i t a . z a i g r a e v @ p h y s t e c h . e d u
Scientific interests:Supersymmetry, superspace, quantum field theory, higher-spin theory, non-linear realizations, spontaneous symmetry breaking.
Zakharov Alexander
E-mail:a l e x _ f _ z a k h a r o v 5 @ m a i l . r u
Scientific interests:Relativistic Astrophysics, Astrophysical Black Holes, Gravitational Lensing, Microlensing, Exoplanets, Alternative Theories of Gravity
Zhevlakov Alexey
E-mail:z h e v l a k o v @ t h e o r . j i n r . r u
Scientific interests:Beyond Standard model, axion physics, Dark matter, LFV, EDM, g-2, effective theory\r\n,Strong interaction, Perturbation QCD, Drell-Yan process, Direct photon, SIDIS, Spin asymmetries \r\n,Nonperturbative methods in QFT, ChPT, Nonlocal quark model, Chiral Anomaly \r\n,QED and Non-plane wave physics, twisted particles, Wigner function, Hadron structure
Zykunov Vladimir
E-mail:z y k u n o v @ j i n r . r u
Scientific interests:Radiative corrections in high energy experiments,\r\nexact tests of Standard Model on modern and future colliders,\r\nspin physics