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Yukalov, Vyacheslav
E-mail:y u k a l o v @ t h e o r . j i n r . r u
Scientific interests:Quantum Statistical Mechanics, Approximation methods, Complex Systems, Nonlinear Phenomena, Decision Theory
Yurev Sergei
E-mail:y u r e v @ j i n r . r u , y u 3 1 4 1 5 v 9 2 6 @ y a n d e x . r u
Scientific interests:Investigation of few-nucleon systems, relativistic methods, Faddeev and Faddeev-Yakubovsky equations, Bethe-Salpeter equation.\r\nORCID: 0000-0002-5786-7532\r\nResearcher ID: HGC-3600-2022
Yushankhai Victor
E-mail:y u s h a n k h @ t h e o r . j i n r . r u
Scientific interests:- Systems with strong electron correlations and quantum magnetism;\r\n- Quantum transport in low-dimensional systems;\r\n- Theory of open quantum systems and the related dissipative processes;\r\n- Quantum algorithms for computational problems in physics and chemistry;\r\n- Relativistic effects in the electronic structure of atoms and molecules;\r\n- Quantum models in biology.