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Ganev Huben Ganev

E-mail:h u b e n @ t h e o r . j i n r . r u 

Scientific interests:Dynamical Symmetries and Supersymmetries; Nuclear Physics; Nuclear Structure Models; Algebraic Models of Nuclear Collective Excitations; Microscopic Theory of Nuclear Collective Motions;

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Goloskokov Sergey

E-mail:g o l o s k k v @ t h e o r . j i n r . r u 

Scientific interests:High energy spin physics.\r\nExclusive processes and Generalized Parton Distributions.

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Golubtsova Anastasia

E-mail:g o l u b t s o v a @ t h e o r . j i n r . r u 

Scientific interests:Holographic duality, black holes, supergravity solutions, holographic quark-gluon plasma

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Gramotkov Nikita

E-mail:g r a m o t k o v @ t h e o r . j i n r . r u 

Scientific interests:Particle physics, angular distributions in hadronic processes, machine learning, data analysis, Radon transform.

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Gulitskiy Nikolay

E-mail:n . g u l i t s k i y @ s p b u . r u 

Scientific interests:Renormalization group, stochastic processes, turbulence, quantum field theory

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Gurjav Ganbold

E-mail:g a n b o l d @ t h e o r . j i n r . r u 

Scientific interests:Quantum Field Theory, Strong Interactions, Particle Phenomena, Bound States, Quark Model, Analytic Confinement, Path Integral

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