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Nashaat Majed
E-mail:m a j e d n a s @ t h e o r . j i n r . r u , m a j e d @ s c i . c u . e d u
Scientific interests:Research Interests: Theoretical condensed matter physics, strongly correlated systems, spintronics, and tunneling in superconducting structures.\r\n\r\nCurriculum Vitae: \r\n
Nasirov Avazbek Karimovich
E-mail:n a s i r o v @ j i n r . r u
Scientific interests:multinucleon transfer reactions, complete fusion of nuclei, incomplete fusion, quasifission of dinuclear system, synthesis of new elements
Naumov Vadim Alexandrovich
E-mail:v n a u m o v @ t h e o r . j i n r . r u
Scientific interests:Neutrino physics and astrophysics, Cosmic ray physics, Particle and radiation transport
Nazmitdinov Rashid G.
E-mail:r a s h i d @ t h e o r . j i n r . r u
Scientific interests:nuclear collective properties at low and intermidiate energies, mesoscopic physics, \r\ntransport phenomena in nanostructures, photovoltaics, regular and chaotic dynamics in quantum many-body systems
Nersessian Armen
E-mail:a r n e r s e s @ t h e o r . j i n r . r u
Scientific interests:Integrable systems of classical and quantum mechanics, supersymmetry, constrained systems
Nesterenko Alexander
E-mail:n e s t e r a v @ t h e o r . j i n r . r u
Scientific interests:Quantum Field Theory, Quantum Chromodynamics, Elementary Particle Physics, nonperturbative methods, Physics beyond the Standard Model
Nesterenko Valentin Olegovich
E-mail:n e s t e r @ t h e o r . j i n r . r u
Scientific interests:Density functional theories, self-consistent microscopic approaches, Skyrme functionals, giant resonances, low-energy spectroscopy, vortical excitations in nuclei, reactions with electrons and photons, wavelet analysis, nanosystems, atomic Bose-Einstein condensate in traps
Nesterenko Vladimir
E-mail:n e s t r @ t h e o r . j i n r . r u
Scientific interests:Quantum Field Theory, Mathematical Physics
Nguyen Tung
E-mail:n g u e n @ t h e o r . j i n r . r u
Scientific interests:Spin transport in nano-systems, High temperature superconductivity, Phase transitions in some complex systems
Nikitenko Andrej Andreevich
Nikolskii Aleksei
E-mail:a l e x n @ t h e o r . j i n r . r u
Scientific interests:Quantum field theory, QCD, quark-gluon plasma, heavy-ion collisions, astroparticle physics
Nurlan Kanat
E-mail:n u r l a n @ t h e o r . j i n r . r u
Scientific interests:Strong and electroweak meson interactions. Description of the excited meson states. NJL type quark models and investigation of the quark and hadron properties in this theory.