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Fedoruk Sergey
E-mail:f e d o r u k @ t h e o r . j i n r . r u
Scientific interests:• Supersymmetric theories in diverse dimensions;\r\n• Supersymmetric and superconformal mechanics;\r\n• Twistor and harmonic approaches in supersymmetric models;\r\n• Higher spin theories, infinite spin (super)particle
Friesen Alexandra
E-mail:a v f r i e s e n @ t h e o r . j i n r . r u
Scientific interests:Effective QCD models; phase transitions in dence and hot matter; particle physics.
Fursaev Dmitry
E-mail:f u r s a e v @ t h e o r . j i n r . r u
Scientific interests:Different aspects of the Einstein theory of relativity:\r\n- holographical aspects of classical gravity;\r\n- physics of black holes;\r\n- gravitational waves;\r\n- singular solutions, like cosmic strings and shock waves, \r\n- astrophysical aspects of cosmic strings;\r\n- asymptotic structure of asymptotically flat solutions (BMS group and other aspects);\r\n\r\nQuantum field theory on external classical backgrounds\r\n- methods of spectral geometry;\r\n- quantum entanglement;\r\n- quantum field theory in the presence of singularities (conical singularities, shock wave fronts)