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Cherny Alexander Yurievich
E-mail:c h e r n y @ t h e o r . j i n r . r u
Scientific interests:Complex systems and soft matter: small-angle scattering, metamaterials and fractal structures, problems of packing\r\n\r\nStatistical mechanics and condensed matter theory: cold atoms, Bose-Einstein condensation, solitons, many-body problem
Chitov, Gennady Y.
E-mail:g c h i t o v @ t h e o r . j i n r . r u
Scientific interests:Research Fields: Theoretical Condensed Matter and Statistical Mechanics; Cosmology.\r\nTopics:\r\n1. Phase transitions, local & topological orders in low-dimensional systems; \r\n2. Geometric transitions, percolation & applications to connectomics;\r\n3. Dark sector of the Universe, origin of the mass of neutrinos.