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Hammouda Walaa M. Seif
Hasegawa Masayasu
E-mail:h a s e g a w a @ t h e o r . j i m r . r u
Scientific interests:Lattice gauge theory, quantum field theory, supercomputers, numerical computing, color confinement, chiral symmetry breaking, monopoles, instantons, overlap fermions, and hadron spectroscopy.
Heo Yonggoo
E-mail:y o n g g o o h e o @ t h e o r . j i n r . r u
Scientific interests:Theoretical hadron spectroscopy,\r\nCoupled-channel dynamics for meson-baryon and/or meson-meson scattering processes,\r\nChiral extrapolations of QCD Lattice data,\r\nQCD at large numbers of colors and/or heavy quark masses
Hnatic Michal
E-mail:h n a t i c @ s a s k e . s k
Scientific interests:Quantum field theory, stochastic dynamics, phase transitions, theory of turbulence
Hoang Ngoc Cam
E-mail:c a m @ t h e o r . j i n r . r u
Scientific interests:nanostructure physics, exciton-exciton interaction, atomically thin semiconductors